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Record Breaking Attendance!

Record Breaking Attendance!

Last week, for the first time ever, there were 4 classes who achieved 100% attendance! This is the most number of classes to achieve 100% in the same week, since records began! All 4 classes were awarded with their 100% certificates in yesterday’s assembly.

Well done to all classes for helping us achieve a whole school average of 98.4%, which is above our target of 97%.

Kentish Town were the winners for Best Attendance for last half term and were presented with their trophy during yesterday’s assembly. This means they’ll also get an afternoon to watch a film of their choice with popcorn!

Please view the Attendance & Punctuality Newsletter and Attendance League below.

Attendance & Punctuality Newsletter – Autumn Term (Issue 1)

Attendance League – 31.10.16


Canada Water 100%

Canada Water

Dalston Junction 100%

Dalston Junction

Kentish Town Winners

Kentish Town – Best Attendance for Autumn 1 Term

Shadwell 100%


Surrey Quays 100%

Surrey Quays