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An archive of news stories from Randal Cremer Primary School

New Books!

Next week is the book fair. With the money we raise from these books, we can purchase new and exciting books for our school. Here are year 5 Olive class enjoying our newest books!     By Sally Roycroft

The Book Bus Visit

On Tuesday 23rd February, we were lucky enough to have the Book Bus Matilda come and visit us. The bus is owned by the charity, The Book Bus and is due to head to Africa in April. In Africa, Matilda will visit many remote communities…

100% Attendance! (Orange Class)

Well done to Orange class for achieving 100% attendance for last week! (1st Feb – 5th Feb) Please click on the link below to view how each class scored on last week’s attendance chart. Attendance Data – (1st Feb – 5th Feb))    

Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Internet Day 2016. You can find advice and tips on keeping your children safe on the Internet by visiting Parents and carers play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe online, and they are one of…

Debate Mate

We were really proud to host our first Debate Mate Challenge.  We welcomed pupils and staff from Orchard Primary in Hackney and Smithy Street in Tower Hamlets.  The motions we debated were ‘Zoos should be banned’ and ‘Children should not be allowed to watch television…

Term Dates

Please refer to the term dates set by The Hackney Learning Trust. Please note these dates do not include the staff development days. Parents will be informed as to when these will take place via the newsletters and additional correspondence sent out. Term Dates