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An archive of news stories from Randal Cremer Primary School

We Love Lego!

Children at Randal Cremer love creating imaginary worlds and vehicles using lego. Through lego the children develop collaborative skills, language and vocabulary and also their imaginations.

New School Menu

We are pleased to announce that we are now working in partnership with Ashlyns to make improvements to our school dinners. The new school menu looks delicious. Take a look for yourself! Autumn Term Menu 2016 Autumn Term Menu No.2 2016  

Sports Day

On Wednesday (13th July) the whole school was at Haggerston Park for Sports Day. The day started well with Eary Years and Key Stage 1 successfully completing all of their activities. Key Stage 2 came over just before midday and the whole school had lunch…

Eid Celebrations

On Wednesday 6th July, Eid Al-Fitr marked the end of the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. To celebrate, all classes had Eid parties last Friday afternoon. Children brought in food and drinks to share with their friends whilst having a fun filled afternoon which…

Hackney Schools Music & Dance Festival

On Tuesday (5th July) the Randal Cremer Dance Crew took part in the 19th annual Hackney Schools Music and Dance Festival. Schools from all over Hackney performed a range of dances from all over the world including traditional and modern dance. Our children performed a…

Spanish Day

June the 13th at Randal Cremer was the most exciting day ever! From Nursery through to Year 6, all the children learnt songs, shapes and numbers. We had Potato Bravas for Lunch with Spanish Chicken. Finally in the afternoon we created our own art work based…

Randal Cremer Primary School is a GOOD school!

As you know the school recently received a no notice Section 5 Inspection. We are delighted to be able to share with you the outcomes. Inspection dates: 8–9 June 2016 Overall effectiveness: Good Effectiveness of leadership and management: Good Quality of teaching, learning and assessment:…

Head Boy & Head Girl Results!

The results are in! The winners for Head Boy and Head Girl are Uygur and Valentina! Well done to you both for this fantastic achievement! The results were very close at the top so it was decided that a Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Headd Girl would also…

Election Day for Head Girl & Head Boy

While adults around the country will be voting to remain in or exit the EU, children and staff at Randal Cremer have begun voting for Head Girl and Head Boy for next term. There are 8 candidates from year 5 (4 boys and 4 girls) who all gave their…