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An archive of news stories from Randal Cremer Primary School

Christmas Celebrations

The last couple of weeks have been very busy at Randal Cremer! Our festive season kicked off with KS2’s Christmas has the X-Factor performance followed by KS1’s nativity play and Christmas carols at St. Chad’s church. We then enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch and held our…

Gifts From The Bridge Academy

Children from nursery were very excited when they received some early Christmas gifts from The Bridge Academy! Pupils from the the academy designed and made stockings (all handmade) and filled them with goodies! We’d like to say a huge thank you to the pupils and…

Year 5 Kench Hill Trip

Children enjoyed their time at Kench Hill learning about orienteering, gardening, team work, shelter building and how to bake bread. We went hiking in the forest for hours and we also sat by the camp fire telling stories. Lorah-Kate Thompson – Year 5 Teacher  

Spanish Day – Friday 2nd December

On Friday 2nd December, Randal Cremer Primary School launched our first Spanish Day of the academic year. We were each given a country to find out information about them, such as what food they like, where it is in the world etc, even how they…

Tour De Hackney

Randal Cremer Primary took part in the exciting cycling programme ‘Tour De Hackney’ on Monday 28th November 2016.  Two year 5 classes had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with racing bikes and took part in a series of races.  

Weekly Attendance – 14/11/16

Well done to Dalston Junction for achieving 100% attendance for the third week in a row! A gold certificate was given out for the very first time and each child received a special pencil as a reward for their big achievement. Please see the Attendance League below…

Children in Need

Today children and staff came into school dressed up in either their pyjamas, in spots or their favourite Roald Dahl character and donated £1 towards Children in Need. We’d like to thank everyone for their donations towards such an important cause.