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Digital Leaders

National Costume Day

On Friday 13th October, Randal Cremer had a national costume day. Children and adults came to school dressed in their country’s cultural clothes/colours. In the afternoon, there was a special display in the top hall of famous black inventors’ work as part of our ongoing…

Our Amazing Team!

Last week, our Senior Finance Officer, Christine Day received a special award from Bethnal Green Swimming club in recognition for the 20 years she has been volunteering. Congratulations.

Wonder of Words.

Volunteers from UBS have donated a wealth of new books to our library. As part of the preparation, children from Yr 6 prepared short stories which have been recorded by UBS volunteers. To hear the ‘Wonder of Words’ recording please visit The art work for…

We Love Lego!

Children at Randal Cremer love creating imaginary worlds and vehicles using lego. Through lego the children develop collaborative skills, language and vocabulary and also their imaginations.

New School Menu

We are pleased to announce that we are now working in partnership with Ashlyns to make improvements to our school dinners. The new school menu looks delicious. Take a look for yourself! Autumn Term Menu 2016 Autumn Term Menu No.2 2016  

Head Boy & Head Girl Results!

The results are in! The winners for Head Boy and Head Girl are Uygur and Valentina! Well done to you both for this fantastic achievement! The results were very close at the top so it was decided that a Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Headd Girl would also…