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African Drumming Performance

Last term both year 2 classes were lucky enough to learn how to play the African drum. They were taught by two external tutors who got them ready to perform in front of the whole school and their parents! The performance included drumming, dancing and some singing which the…

Debate Mate

We were really proud to host our first Debate Mate Challenge.  We welcomed pupils and staff from Orchard Primary in Hackney and Smithy Street in Tower Hamlets.  The motions we debated were ‘Zoos should be banned’ and ‘Children should not be allowed to watch television…

Spring Term Clubs 2016

Please click on the link below to find the up to date time table of clubs. After School Club Timetable – Spring Term To find out what our Pupils thought about the Autumn Term Clubs, please click the link below. After School Clubs Questionnaire results…